File Buddy 4.1

This is an HTML version of the File Buddy 4.1 Read Me file. Please read through this entire document. I know it's not super exciting, but I've edited and supplemented several items, and it may save you and me time in the long run. Thanks.

68k and PowerPC versions now available!
What's new in version 4?
The Get Info Window
The File List Window
Finding Files
Latest Fixes
Bugs fixed since version 3.4.8
Known Problems in version 4.1
What the future holds
Registering File Buddy
Contact Information
Obtaining the latest version


File Buddy is a general utility for working with files and folders. It can:

Note that all dragging features of File Buddy require that you have Macintosh Drag and Drop installed, either as an extension, or as a part of Mac OS versions 7.5 and above.

See Latest Fixes for a description of release version bugs that have been fixed since v3.4.8.

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68k and PowerPC native versions now available!

File Buddy 4.1 is available in both 68k and PowerPC native versions. For the moment I am not releasing a fat binary version. The 68k version will run on both processors and the speed difference does not seem to be that significant. I believe this is because File Buddy does not put heavy demands on the processor and the file list drawing code is not yet native. File Buddy does access the file system a lot, but disk accesses are not benefited significantly by PPC native code. I may change my position in the future when the list drawing code become native as well.

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What's New in 4.0

File Buddy has been completely rewritten in C++ for version 4.0 using Metrowerks CodeWarrior. Versions prior to 4.0 were written in THINK Pascal. It may not look much different, but this has provided a much better code base, which has facilitated better debugging and easier feature implementation. It was also the most significant hurdle to creating a version that is PPC native.

File Buddy 4.0 sports the following improvements over 3.4.8:

4.0 26 March 1997

Get Info

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File List Window

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Finding Files

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Latest Fixes

4.1 27 June 1997

4.0.4 23 May 1997

4.0.3 17 May 1997

4.0.2 12 April 1997

4.0.1 27 March 1997

Bugs in 4.0b6 that are fixed in 4.0

Bugs in 3.4.8 that are fixed in 4.0

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Known Problems in File Buddy 4.1

Some users have reported crashing when clicking on the little magnifying glass in the lower left corner of some of the file directory boxes. I have never been able to reproduce the problem (I've tried on a Centris 610, IIsi, 8500, and a 180c), though it now seems it is a problem with the FaxAction Extension.

After dragging a file from one file list window to another file list window without the option key down, File Buddy moves the file to the other window. Or so it should. Seems it copies on some computers. I don't know why.

On some Macs, if you drag a file from a file list window to a location in the Finder that is on a different volume than the item, the Finder will put up an alert about error -1,708 and do nothing. On others it will copy the file. If the file and the destination folder are on the same volume, the Finder will move the file to that location. I'm still looking into the problem.

When you drag text out of the File Buddy Help window, the style information gets lost.

It has been reported that the help window can't be accessed from the Apple Guide menu if you are using Apple Guide 2.1. This is a bug in that version of Apple Guide. The problem does not show up in versions 2.0.2 or 2.1.1.

The drag & drop applications for setting file info have not been rewritten yet. They will work correctly but are not able to recognize a valid 4.x serial number. I plan to address this by version 4.2.

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What the Future Holds:

Registering File Buddy

File Buddy is shareware. Shareware is try-before-you-buy-software. It is not use-it-as-long-as-you-like-for-free software. That kind of software is called freeware. If you like it and use it more than 10 days, please read the document Registering/Upgrading FB and register.


I have endeavored to make File Buddy as reliable and stable as possible. Nevertheless, it undoubtedly has bugs of which I am currently unaware. I don't know of any bad ones, but just about every piece of software with more than 20 lines of code has bugs. I use File Buddy all the time. However, you--as I--use it at your own risk.

PLEASE contact me if you find any bugs, unexpected behavior, or have a suggestion for a new feature. I welcome ideas, but please keep in mind I can't use them all, or File Buddy will need over 4 megs of disk space, and the interface will suffer terribly. If you've used Word 6, or heaven forbid, Microsoft Exchange, you know what I mean. Only features which would have wide appeal can make it in.

Well, that's all for now folks. PLEASE let me know if you find any bugs, so I can fix them asap.

To those upgrading from 3.x I hope you find 4.1 an improvement.

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I want to thank the people who registered a prior version of File Buddy for their financial and moral support. Without their appreciation, File Buddy 4.1 would never have been done.

Thanks to those users who reported bugs so I could fix them and you could have a better product.

Thanks to everyone on CompuServe that helped me with technical questions, now too numerous to mention. Thanks to everyone who tested some version of File Buddy to see if I had been successful in fixing a bug I couldn't reproduce.

Thank you,

Laurence Harris

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Contact Information:

Laurence Harris
17 Old University Station Rd
Chapel Hill, NC 27514-1572


Web: <>
FTP: <>

E-mail addresses:

A few e-mail requests:

Obtaining the latest version

Please try standard info-mac sites or on-line services to obtain the latest versions of File Buddy, RegisterFB, or FindFile Chooser before downloading from my site, as there are limitations to the amount that can be downloaded from mine. Specifically, my web hosting account allows 500 Mb of downloading each month from my web site. After that I am charged $0.12/Mb. During the month of May, 1997, people transferred 6,039.6 Mb, with the additional 5,539.6 Mb costing me $664.75 over and above my normal monthly fee. I just can't afford that. My web site was intended to provide a place where File Buddy could be downloaded if users couldn't find it anywhere else. I will try to post the latest File Buddy anywhere I can, including one or more info-mac sites. I'll will monitor the stats each month and pull it as the downloads approach the limit.

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